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Zoom Mesh Bandwidth Calculator

Our bandwidth calculator helps you estimate your cost savings with Zoom Mesh
to maximize your next virtual event

How much bandwidth and money can you save?

As hybrid work becomes a permanent workstyle, the frequency of virtual and hybrid experiences continues to rise. But more employees in the office can overwhelm and slow down your internet connection, causing a poor user experience.

Zoom’s new bandwidth calculator helps you minimize stress caused from bandwidth constraints and estimate how much bandwidth you’ll need to host a webinar or virtual event.

  • Single location
  • Multiple locations

Webinar participants The number of viewer participants that join the webinar

The value entered is too small / large, please try again

Webinar duration (minutes) Length of the webinar

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Bandwidth cost ($/Mbit) The cost of a location’s internet connection in Mbps.

The value entered is too small / large, please try again

Estimated bandwidth consumed: 50 Mbps

Location 1 X

  • / Edit
  • / Delete

Webinar participants The number of viewer participants that join the webinar

The value entered is too small / large, please try again

Webinar duration (minutes) Length of the webinar

The value entered is too small / large, please try again

Bandwidth (downstream Kbps / user) The average bandwidth required for a viewer participant’s video stream.

The value entered is too small / large, please try again

Bandwidth cost ($/Mbit) The cost of a location’s internet connection in Mbps.

The value entered is too small / large, please try again

Parent/Child Ratio The number of “Child” participants that receive video streams from a single “Parent” participant. The default is 1:30.

The value entered is too small / large, please try again

Estimated bandwidth consumed: 50 Mbps
Estimated bandwidth saved: 48 Mbps
Estimated cost savings: $5

Get in touch with a Zoom expert for a customized Mesh solution

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Save with Zoom Mesh

4848Mbps Estimated bandwidth saved
$55 Estimated cost savings

Don’t let bandwidth constraints slow you down. Our native eCDN technology, Zoom Mesh, can help you save money, optimize your bandwidth, and streamline content delivery to your virtual events and webinars.

  • Monitor mesh effectiveness and ROI with real-time dashboards
  • High-quality video experience without increased bandwidth
  • Seamless integration into Zoom’s ecosystem
  • No end-user training
  • Reduce network congestion