Advanced Enterprise

Zoom Customer Managed Key

Bring your own encryption keys to protect certain data stored at rest within the Zoom Cloud infrastructure

woman at desk on phone
man with zoom shirt

Simplified Encryption Key Management

  • Encrypt Zoom assets

    Protect meeting and phone recordings, voicemails, user calendars, and more

  • Use your own key management system

    Bring your own encryption keys using Amazon’s Key Management Service (AWS KMS)

Greater transparency and control over your encryption keys

  • Tailor encryption keys to your needs

    Turn on group-level provisioning to customize keys to different departments or locations

  • Simplified administration

    Enroll your encryption keys within your AWS KMS system and monitor their status within the Zoom Admin Portal

  • Get notifications

    Add your contact information to get notified if there are issues with your encryption key management system

customer management key

Seamless collaboration, trusted security

With half a million businesses choosing Zoom, protecting customers and their data is essential to our goal of being a platform built on trust. Zoom Customer Managed Key is built upon the same security and reliability as the Zoom platform, helping you communicate safely without sacrificing ease of use or productivity.

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